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A girl on a bay horse galloping through the sea,


 We care about your safety while riding, and therefore it is essential that you take out a comprehensive travel insurance policy, including health cover, before you start your trip.


We will ask for your insurance details before your trip, and riders without any insurance will not be allowed to ride. 


Please ensure your travel insurance covers high risk sports like horse riding. Check carefully for any exclusions, and double check that all the activities you want to partake in will be covered (eg. game drives, bush walks).


Please also check your insurance covers unexpected losses or expenses e.g. lost luggage, stolen cash and credit cards or cancelled/missed flights.


We also request that you ride in a responsible manner during your trip, and adhere to any rules set out by your guide, for your own safety and for that of the rest of the group. 


Please alert us to any medical conditions you may have before your arrival.

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